Curriculum vitae

- Postgraduate Program “Conservation and Renovation of Architectural Monuments”, 
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), Average 9.30 and “Honor” 
(September 2004- July 2006).

- Department of Architecture, A.U.Th., Average 9.36, 
First place among 40 graduates and “Honor”. (April 2004).

- Socrates-Erasmus Program, one semester, 
Delft Technical University, The Netherlands 
(acad. year 2001-2002).

Language skills
- Greek. Native language.
- English. Proficient user.
Univ. of Cambridge, Proficiency in English, (June 2000).
Univ. of Michigan, Proficiency in English (March 2000).
- Turkish. Basic user (September 2013 to now).

- June-August 2011.
Artist in Residence grant, program GCC Gyeonggi Creation Center, S.Korea.

- September – October 2008.

Artist in Residence Grant. Program “AIR-Krems”, Kunstmeile Krems, Austria.

- July 2007. International Congress

“Rehabilitation in the Mediterranean”, RehabiMed, Barcelona.
Scholarship: Traveling, participation and residence expenses.

- 2004-2006. Public Benefit Foundation “Alexander S. Onasis”.

Scholarship for postgraduate studies.

- November 2000. “World Congress on Environmental Design for the New Millennium”, Yonsei University, Seoul, N. Korea.

Scholarship: Traveling, participation and residence expenses.

- Academic year 1998-1999 (1st year) and 1999-2000 (2nd year):

“I.K.Y” (National Foundation for Scholarships): Award and scholarship / Technical Chamber of Greece: Award.

Interests - Activities
- Architectural and visual design in public space.
- Articles about architecture and the urban space.
- Urban culture.
- Photography.

Participation in competitions
- International photography competition “Different Viewpoints”,
organized by RehabiMed. (March 2009)

- Architectural Ideas Competition for the design of “Salats” area in Kilkis city,
Northern Greece, organized by the city of Kilkis. (January 2007)

- Competition of ideas “Transitions: Light on the move”,
supported by Philips (September 2006)

Participation in exhibitions
- 2011. Festival Εspacio 3. Individual participation Installation 
“Transparent, perforated, translucent”. 
Ex-military camp “Kodra”, Kalamaria. (April 2011)

- 2010. Exhibition. Hidden Athens. Interactive installation 

"Urban Ghosts", TAF, Athens. (December 2010)

- 2010. Moving Frames Festival. Interactive installation 

"Pixelated Carpet". Yeni Mosque, Mytilini. (October 2010)

- 2010. Festival of Fine Arts' Action Field Kodra .

 "Urban Ghosts. Stimulating the collective imagination ".
Thessaloniki State Museum of Contemporary Art, (September 2010)

- 2010. Thessaloniki Urban Festival.Interactive installation 

"Urban bubbles: A parasite for the enjoyment of public space". (May 2010)

- 1st Contact Festival, Contemporary Art Club, Thessaloniki, October 2009.

Installation: "Hands on prefabricated cartons" and visitors’ performance.

- Exhibition “Different Viewpoints”, organized by RehabiMed.

Barcelona March 2009, Digital photos.

- 1st Biennial of Contemporary art “Heterotopias”, Thessaloniki 2007,

Individual participation, Public Screen session:
“ON/TOP/OS: topos over the Greek city”, Digital photos slideshow.

- 1st Architectural Biennial Beijing 2004:

Individual participation, section “Architecture/ Non-architecture”,
Undergraduate studies Diploma project. Honorary mention.

Scientific papers
“Renovation and reuse of Ottoman bath “Krya Loutra” Nea Apollonia”, master thesis, catalogue of postgraduate projects 2004-2006,  Postgraduate Program “Conservation and Renovation of Architectural Monuments”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 2012.

- “Ex-factory FIX buildings of Nea Pagolekani, Michanostasio, Paragogis CO2 and Levitostasio”, group project, catalogue of postgraduate projects 2004-2006, Postgraduate Program “Conservation and Renovation of Architectural Monuments”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 2012.

“Oooh…Oido…”, Architectural gestures in Oido central pier, catalogue,  Creative residency program, Gyeonggi Creation Center Residency, Ansan, South Korea, 2011.

-  “ON/TOP/OS: topos over the Greek city”catalogue, Public Screen program, 1st Biennial of Contemporary art “Heterotopias”, Thessaloniki 2007.

“Architectural Dialogues. Reuse of Ottoman Bath in N. Apollonia”, International Conference “Rehabilitation in the Mediterranean”, presentation and proceedings, RehabiMed, Barcelona, July 2007.

“Diffusion of the new into the spatial past: Implementation at the ex-beer factory Fix, Thessaloniki”, 2nd International Conference “Architecture & Transparency: Challenging the limits”, presentation and proceedings, Dep. of Architecture AUTh (Thessaloniki, 1-4 June 2006).

“3Gardens+1Square: Proposal for a new public space in Livadi Olympos”, Conference on the development of municipality of Livadi, supported by the University of the Aegean, presentation, Livadi Olympos, 24-25 April 2004.

“Art in Dom Plastykow: renovation as a school of arts”, Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz Past and Future, catalogue, TU Delft, PK Krakow, FH Munster, Krakow 2002.

- “About a statue”,
            blog,, 03-09-2011
- “Architecture, scholars activities”,
Magazine ΑΩ, issue 44, Scholars' Association of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, June 2009
- “Holes inside the University Campus”,
            - e-magazine, 11-17-2007/
            - Technografima issue 375, National Chamber of Engineers, May 2009
- “At minus one”,
            e-magazine, 05-04-2008
- “The Pink Modern and a brief research of how everything started”,
             e-magazine, 06-10- 2007.
- “After the film festival… Thought on the public aesthetic of the city”,
            e-magazine, 11-29-2006.
- “History of the Topos over the city. A brief parenthesis for its contribution during the Greek dictatorship”,
            e-magazine, 11-14 -2006.
- “Topos over the city”,
            e-magazine, 11-03-2006.
- “Patroklos Karantinos (1903-1976). A pioneer of Greek modern architecture”.
In collaboration with prof. Alexandra Gerolympou.
Magazine Polymechano, issue 17, May 2003, p 10-13.
- “Not another text for architects. With the occasion of the Greek participation in the 8th Biennial Venice 2002”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 16, February 2003, p 20-23.
- “The Philips pavilion in the Brussels world expo (1958)”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 15, October 2002, p 20-23.
- “Thucydides Valentis (1908-1982): architect’s work”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 12, April 2001, p 8-11
- “Exhibition: Thessaloniki 1913&1918, the first color photos”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 10, March 2000, p 22-23.
- Design, concepts and production”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 10, March 2000, p 6-7.
- “The work of architect Nikos Mitsakis (1899-1941)”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 9, March 2000, p 12-13.
- “Exhibition: Journey to Mount Athos”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 8, December 1999, p 23.
- “How many do…fit in the Department of Architecture?”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 8, December 1999, p 6.