- Postgraduate Program “Conservation and Renovation of
Architectural Monuments”,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), Average 9.30 and “Honor”
(September 2004- July 2006).
- Department of Architecture, A.U.Th., Average 9.36,
- Department of Architecture, A.U.Th., Average 9.36,
place among 40 graduates and “Honor”. (April 2004).
- Socrates-Erasmus Program, one semester,
Technical University, The Netherlands - Socrates-Erasmus Program, one semester,
(acad. year 2001-2002).
Language skills
- Greek. Native language.
- English. Proficient user.
Univ. of Cambridge, Proficiency in English, (June 2000).
Univ. of Michigan, Proficiency in English (March 2000).
- Turkish. Basic user (September 2013 to now).
- June-August 2011.
Artist in Residence grant, program GCC Gyeonggi Creation Center, S.Korea.
- September – October 2008.
Artist in Residence Grant. Program “AIR-Krems”, Kunstmeile Krems, Austria.
- July 2007. International Congress
“Rehabilitation in the Mediterranean”, RehabiMed, Barcelona.
Scholarship: Traveling, participation and residence expenses.
- 2004-2006. Public Benefit Foundation “Alexander S. Onasis”.
Scholarship for postgraduate studies.
- November 2000. “World Congress on Environmental Design for the New Millennium”, Yonsei University, Seoul, N. Korea.
Scholarship: Traveling, participation and residence expenses.
- Academic year 1998-1999 (1st year) and 1999-2000 (2nd year):
“I.K.Y” (National Foundation for Scholarships): Award and scholarship / Technical Chamber of Greece: Award.
Interests - Activities
- Architectural and visual design in public space.
- Articles about architecture and the urban space.
- Urban culture.
- Photography.
Participation in competitions
organized by RehabiMed. (March 2009)
- Architectural Ideas Competition for the design of “Salats” area in Kilkis city,
Northern Greece, organized by the city of Kilkis. (January 2007)
- Competition of ideas “Transitions: Light on the move”,
supported by Philips (September 2006)
Participation in exhibitions
- 2011. Festival
Εspacio 3.
Individual participation Installation
“Transparent, perforated, translucent”.
Ex-military camp “Kodra”, Kalamaria. (April 2011)
“Transparent, perforated, translucent”.
Ex-military camp “Kodra”, Kalamaria. (April 2011)
- 2010. Exhibition. Hidden Athens. Interactive installation
"Urban Ghosts", TAF, Athens. (December 2010)
- 2010. Moving Frames Festival. Interactive installation
"Pixelated Carpet". Yeni Mosque, Mytilini. (October 2010)
- 2010. Festival of Fine Arts' Action Field Kodra .
"Urban Ghosts. Stimulating the collective imagination ".
Thessaloniki State Museum of Contemporary Art, (September 2010)
- 2010. Thessaloniki Urban Festival.Interactive installation
"Urban bubbles: A parasite for the enjoyment of public space". (May 2010)
- 1st Contact Festival, Contemporary Art Club, Thessaloniki, October 2009.
Installation: "Hands on prefabricated cartons" and visitors’ performance.
- Exhibition “Different Viewpoints”, organized by RehabiMed.
Barcelona March 2009, Digital photos.
- 1st Biennial of Contemporary art “Heterotopias”, Thessaloniki 2007,
Individual participation, Public Screen session:
“ON/TOP/OS: topos over the Greek city”, Digital photos slideshow.
- 1st Architectural Biennial Beijing 2004:
Individual participation, section “Architecture/ Non-architecture”,
Undergraduate studies Diploma project. Honorary mention.
Scientific papers
- “Renovation and reuse of Ottoman bath “Krya Loutra” Nea Apollonia”, master thesis, catalogue of postgraduate projects 2004-2006, Postgraduate Program “Conservation and Renovation of Architectural Monuments”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 2012.
- “Ex-factory FIX buildings of Nea Pagolekani, Michanostasio, Paragogis CO2 and Levitostasio”, group project, catalogue of postgraduate projects 2004-2006, Postgraduate Program “Conservation and Renovation of Architectural Monuments”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 2012.
- “Oooh…Oido…”, Architectural gestures in Oido central pier, catalogue, Creative residency program, Gyeonggi Creation Center Residency, Ansan, South Korea, 2011.
- “ON/TOP/OS: topos over the Greek city”, catalogue, Public Screen program, 1st Biennial of Contemporary art “Heterotopias”, Thessaloniki 2007.
- “Architectural Dialogues. Reuse of Ottoman Bath in N. Apollonia”, International Conference “Rehabilitation in the Mediterranean”, presentation and proceedings, RehabiMed, Barcelona, July 2007.
- “Diffusion of the new into the spatial past: Implementation at the ex-beer factory Fix, Thessaloniki”, 2nd International Conference “Architecture & Transparency: Challenging the limits”, presentation and proceedings, Dep. of Architecture AUTh (Thessaloniki , 1-4 June 2006).
- “3Gardens+1Square: Proposal for a new public space in Livadi Olympos”, Conference on the development of municipality of Livadi, supported by the University of the Aegean, presentation, Livadi Olympos, 24-25 April 2004.
- “Art in Dom Plastykow: renovation as a school of arts”, Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz Past and Future, catalogue, TU Delft, PK Krakow, FH Munster, Krakow 2002.
- “About a statue”,
blog,, 03-09-2011
- “Architecture, scholars activities”,
Magazine ΑΩ, issue
44, Scholars' Association
of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, June 2009
- “Holes inside the
University Campus”,
- e-magazine, 11-17-2007/
Technografima issue 375, National Chamber of Engineers, May 2009
- “At minus one”,
e-magazine, 05-04-2008
- “The Pink Modern and a brief research of how
everything started”,
e-magazine, 06-10-
- “After the film festival… Thought on the public
aesthetic of the city”,
e-magazine, 11-29-2006.
- “History of the Topos over the city. A brief
parenthesis for its contribution during the Greek dictatorship”,
e-magazine, 11-14 -2006.
- “Topos over the city”,
e-magazine, 11-03-2006.
- “Patroklos Karantinos (1903-1976). A pioneer of
Greek modern architecture”.
In collaboration with prof. Alexandra Gerolympou.
Magazine Polymechano, issue
17, May 2003, p 10-13.
- “Not another text for architects. With the occasion
of the Greek participation in the 8th Biennial Venice 2002” ,
Magazine Polymechano, issue
16, February 2003, p 20-23.
- “The Philips pavilion in the Brussels world expo
Magazine Polymechano, issue
15, October 2002, p 20-23.
- “Thucydides Valentis (1908-1982): architect’s work”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue
12, April 2001, p 8-11.
- “Exhibition: Thessaloniki 1913&1918, the first
color photos”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue
10, March 2000, p 22-23.
- “Design, concepts and production”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 10, March 2000, p 6-7.
- “The work of architect Nikos Mitsakis (1899-1941)”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 9, March 2000, p 12-13.
- “Exhibition: Journey to Mount Athos”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue
8, December 1999, p 23.
- “How many do…fit in the Department of Architecture?”,
Magazine Polymechano, issue 8, December 1999, p 6.